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constructive position

См. также в других словарях:

  • Constructive trusts in English law — are a form of trust created by the courts primarily where the defendant has dealt with property in an unconscionable manner , but also in other circumstances; the property will be held in constructive trust for the harmed party, obliging the… …   Wikipedia

  • constructive discharge — see discharge Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. constructive discharge …   Law dictionary

  • Constructive possession — is a legal fiction to describe a situation where an individual has actual control over chattels or real property without actually having physical control of the same assets. At law, a person with constructive possession stands in the same legal… …   Wikipedia

  • Constructive ambiguity — is a term generally credited to Henry Kissinger, said to be the foremost exponent of the negotiating tactic it designates. It refers to the deliberate use of ambiguous language on a sensitive issue in order to advance some political purpose.… …   Wikipedia

  • constructive termination — USA constructive discharge, Also known as a constructive termination. Employee resignation due to working conditions so intolerable that a reasonable person in the employee s position would have felt compelled to resign. Constructive discharge is …   Law dictionary

  • Constructive dismissal — In employment law, constructive dismissal, also called constructive discharge, occurs when employees resign because their employer s behaviour has become so intolerable or heinous or made life so difficult that the employee has no choice but to… …   Wikipedia

  • Constructive Sale Rule - Section 1259 — A section of the Internal Revenue Code that expands the types of transactions that are considered to be sales and are subject to capital gains tax. According to this rule, transactions that effectively take an offsetting position to an already… …   Investment dictionary

  • Constructive vote of no confidence — The constructive vote of no confidence (in German: konstruktives Misstrauensvotum) is a variation on the motion of no confidence which allows a parliament to withdraw confidence from a head of government only if there is a positive majority for a …   Wikipedia

  • Constructive solid geometry — Venn diagram created with CSG The source is on the description page. Constructive solid geometry (CSG) is a technique used in solid modeling. Constructive solid geometry allows a modeler to create a complex surface or object …   Wikipedia

  • Constructive Solid Geometry — Mit CSG erstelltes Venn Diagramm Der POV Ray Quellcode ist auf der Beschreibungsseite. Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) oder Konstruktive Festkörpergeometrie ist eine Technik zum Modellieren von …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • constructive empiricism — A position in the philosophy of science associated with the 20th century Canadian philosopher Bas van Fraassen (The Scientific Image, 1980). Constructive empiricism divides science into observation statements and theory statements. It holds that… …   Philosophy dictionary

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